Mowelfund experience

It was a privileged to profound my knowledge about the Movie Workers Welfare Foundation, Inc. (Mowelfund) which was non-existent to my knowledge.  However, it taught me how Mowelfund, a non-profit; educational foundation,  caters Philippine films that protects the history of the Philippine film.  It is nice to hear that they are able to maintain the foundation that will be beneficial to the academe purposes and other future use.


Definitely a nice play to visit because of its original equipment used back then.  And, it was an honor  to see personally the costumes used of different prominent actors and actresses.  I was looking at it and imagined that I was there right in front of that film.  Everything was so magical.  “Darna” costumes was one of my favorite I’ve seen in Mowelfund.  And when I saw, I was tempted to steal it because it is really beautiful and historical.m9


They were able to preserve other non-human entities used back then.  The typical and scary “aswang”, “manananggal”, “chanak”, “tikbalang” and the likes were all visually effective and well-constructed. At that moment, I retrospect from my childhood moments where these entities scared the hell out of me.

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The experience was totally amazing and educational.  I am looking forward to go in there.  In fact, they have a library.  It has Php20 entrance fee; and I just can imagined how they really give importance to the young aspirants of film industry.

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Note: I want to extend my gratitude to Sir Ashley Abbas and Mr. Alfie who introduced us to Mowelfund.  Also, I want to give credit to Ms. Shanelle Merete for the photos I’ve used in this blog.



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